Obstetrics Clinic Growth

Wellington Obstetrics, a private obstetrics clinic based in central Wellington, were looking for a virtual marketing agency to help them expand their patient base and enhance their online presence through digital marketing services. They have a high quality, holistic offering, and with changes in their field afoot, they were looking for assistance getting their service out there through Google Ads and organic search.


Comprising three experienced obstetricians, Wellington Obstetrics provides comprehensive obstetric care, supporting Wellington women throughout their pregnancy and postnatal journey. Wellington Obstetrics approached Virtual Marketers with the aim of attracting more patients to their clinic through online marketing. Currently, they face challenges due to a decline in the number of Wellington women having babies and fewer families opting to receive private care. Wellington Obstetrics also wanted to ensure that potential patients had a clear understanding of the range of services and the beneficial outcomes provided by their clinic.


We initiated the collaboration by conducting a kick-off session with Wellington Obstetrics. During this session, we familiarised ourselves with Wellington Obstetrics's goals, target audience, unique value proposition, and customer journey.

With this understanding the first step was a comprehensive website audit to maximise capability of the Wellington Obstetrics online platform, optimising it for search engine marketing and maximum engagement results. We analysed the website's performance and made necessary improvements, preparing it for increased marketing activities.

The agreed-upon next step, to match the allocated budget and timeframe, was a monthly Small Biz Subscription covering Google Ads and content management. Virtual Marketers conducted keyword analysis within Wellington Obstetrics's field and devised a content plan for monthly blog articles aimed at driving organic traffic to the website. We also planned a multi-layered Google Ads campaign to capture people’s attention, clearly highlight their benefits, and direct potential patients to request more information and eventually sign up for Wellington Obstetrics's services.

As part of our subscription offering our virtual marketing manager now continuously monitors the ongoing Google Ads campaign, analysing the data and making necessary optimisations on a weekly basis to improve cost per click (CPC) and increase website visits. Each month, we provide Wellington Obstetrics with a detailed report containing commentary, ensuring that the clinic had the most up-to-date information and results from their marketing activity.

Additionally, Virtual Marketers utilised the content plan to create fresh, focuserd blog content on a monthly basis, catering to the demands of both the target audience and search engine algorithms to maintain high organic visibility.

Key Outcomes

The collaborative efforts between Virtual Marketers and Wellington Obstetrics yielded significant outcomes for the clinic, showcasing the many benefits of outsourcing marketing. The recent months have shown notable improvements in various metrics, including:

  • There has been a substantial increase of 83.33% in website visits. This indicates a greater reach and visibility among the target audience.
  • Virtual Marketers successfully increased website clicks by 42.3% enhancing user engagement and interest in Wellington Obstetrics's services.
  • The conversion rate has shown a steady upward trend and more website visitors are converting into potential patients. 

“We are really happy with the results achieved through our partnership with Virtual Marketers. Their expertise and dedication have helped us reach a wider audience and communicate the value of our services effectively. We look forward to continuing our collaboration and achieving even greater success together." 

- Dr Sarah Wright, Director Obstetrician 

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